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Navigating the Night Sky: How to Identify the Stars and Constellations [Book]

Customer Reviews
Onee the Sun has gone down, on clear nights without moonlight, the sky is inhabited by thousands oflumi nous dots of various eolours and levels ofbrightness. The speetacle offered by a starry sky is both grand and sublime, especially in less urban areas. Nevertheless, this need not be overstated: on the out skirts of cities, or even in the cities themselves, pro vided you ehoose the more favourable areas, it is still possible to see many stars. Navigating the Night Sky is aimed at anyone who marvels at the night sky and who wishes to leam to reeognise eonstellations and identify the brightest stars by name. It is essentially a praetieal book, whieh aeeompanies the reader on their eelestial explorations, guiding their way around the stars. Prior knowledge is not required in order to use the book. Anyone ean enjoy it, from the youngest student to the interested adult.